Iced Oatmilk Coffee

When the hot weather starts, this is my favourite beverage. To be fair, hot weather in Vancouver isn’t all that hot, but I’m a bit of a lightweight when it comes to heat.

This is one of the easiest “recipes” I have posted. Espresso (or really strong coffee), ice, and Oatmilk (or your choice of “milk.”) And Enjoy.

Thanks to my old friend Mike Peterson for introducing me to Oatmilk through his Cereal reviews! Oatmilk is the perfect non-dairy drink! I prefer the unsweetened version of Earth’s Own Oatmilk, because it works so well in coffee, tea, and in my steel cut oats and breakfast.

What you need:

  • ice
  • espresso or very strong coffee
  • oatmilk, or milk of your choice

What you do:

  1. Prepare espresso.
  2. Put ice in a glass.
  3. Pour the espresso over the ice.
  4. Pour in some oatmilk.
  5. Drink it while it’s nice and cold!